Real tennis

The MCC Real Tennis Section is one of only a handful of clubs of its kind in Australia.

The forerunner of the game of lawn tennis, real tennis is a sport that is currently only played in Australia, the United Kingdom, France and the United States. The sport has a unique handicapping system allowing players of varying abilities to be competitive.

Sometimes described as a mix of tennis (same scoring), squash (play off walls) and chess (very tactical), real tennis is played on an indoor court with players using traditional wooden racquets and solid, hand-made balls.

Playing most of its games at the Royal Melbourne Tennis Club in Richmond, the section also competes at courts in Ballarat, Hobart and Romsey.

MCC takes part in several team events such as the Boomerang Cup, as well as contesting the Cowper-Cowdrey trophy against the Marylebone Cricket Club. Individual MCC players also compete in state based competitions such as the Victorian State Pennant – as well as at international level.

New members welcome

As one of the newest sections, we encourage those interested in racquet sports to join our growing section and play this superb game.

We conduct on court “introductory sessions” at our Club Nights mainly on the second Friday of every month at The Royal Melbourne Tennis Club.

Contact us

Visit the Real Tennis Section website